Landscaping and gardening

Landscaping deals with the beautification and aesthetics of a large scope of projects, in which nature and environment play a role. The projects, small or large, may take place in many different conditions like arid regions, urban developments, roof tops and terraces, urban kitchen gardens etc.
Some conditions require just a natural touch, others may need a more artificial or technical approach.

Our experience in landscaping and garden design in diverse places including South America, Middle East and India enable us to adapt the layouts to local and special conditions.
While the results have to be aesthetic the core of the design has to meet varied needs ranging from water saving to low maintenance, dense vegetation (to reduce noise and air pollution or to create private spaces) or open vegetation (to unite with the surrounding environment).

The worldwide developments of hyper urbanisations demand to bring ‘nature to town’. We bring in our expertise and technology to bring nature around your living places. We also help you take care of the plants in an easy and simple way while avoiding a farm like environment on your premises.